Year Round 2020-2021 Curriculum
1st/2nd Grade
5th/6th/7th Grade
Sample Curriculum for Pre - Algebra
Sample Curriculum for Algebra
1st/2nd Grade
- Adding/subtracting 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers
- Subtracting across “0” (3 and 4 digit numbers)
- Multiplication 0-9 - Advanced
- Multiplication
- Multiplying 2 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers - Advanced
- Division
- Dividing 3 digit by 2 digit numbers -Advanced
- Fractions: Adding/Subtracting/ multiplying of like/unlike fractions
- Learn the relationship between fractions and decimals
- Mixed numbers and improper fractions
- Order of operations
- Exponents
5th/6th/7th Grade
- Pre - Algebra: foundation and enrichment
- Advanced: Algebra refresher practice by using Holt materials and textbook
- Geometry: introduction and geometry practice
- NOTE: Curriculum will be customized based on the recommendation you will provide via the registration form, the above information serves as a general guidance.
Sample Curriculum for Pre - Algebra
- Week 1
- Translating words into symbols and equations
- Week 2
- Integers - using integers on a number line, opposites and absolute value
- Week 3
- Using real number properties to add and subtract integers. Application: Solving addition and subtraction equations.
- Week 4
- Using real number properties to multiply and divide integers. Application: Solving multiplication and division equations.
Sample Curriculum for Algebra
- Week 1
- Exponents and Powers of Monomials
- Week 2
- Exponents and Powers of Monomials
- Week 3
- Multiplying polynomials by monomials (distributive property)
- Week 4
- Multiplying Polynomials